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ERP Implementation

7 Steps to Implement Education ERP

Posted by TechnoDG on 1 month(s) ago .

Follow these seven steps for a hassle-free Education ERP implementation.


The 7 steps for Education ERP implementation are:


A good and a detailed plan for ERP implement is a must and so is sticking to it. Detailed study on your institute’s requirement and research solution with an eye on the ERP system that meets or even exceeds them. Also seeing out for the future plans and working on it, to get the best for the institute. One significant choice that can be made at this stage is whether to have a system that runs on-premise or in the cloud. With regard to on-premise, your organization purchases hardware and software that runs in your own data centre. A cloud-based ERP, is usually accessed over the internet via a subscription service, which makes implementation and maintenance of the system less resource-intensive.

Planning about the time and budget is necessary for a successful implementation as, one of the most common causes of budget overruns is scope creep, when a business adds capabilities or features to the system that weren’t part of the original plan.


Once planning is done, and obtained stakeholder buy in, its time to begin designing the system. Here, it is essential to refer to the workflow and requirements you’ve lined out and sketch out how those business will align with the new system. Features and functions that enhance the usefulness of the new system and are essential for the company to operate.

One important step of the designing is the use of gap analysis to discover factors unique to the organization—those intricacies the necessary customization of the ERP or adjustments to processes to align better with the system.


Once the design requirements are clarified and documented, development of ERP software begins. Development includes configuration and customization of the system, to follow the processes designed. It also involves making sure the new system works with any legacy applications that your organization still plans on using. Installation of hardware, software, and niche skill sets require additional time in case of on-premise ERP solution.

Planning the training required to help users get up and run the new system, is also included in developing.

Data Migration:

A key step in ERP implementation is data migration, which typically involves moving data from multiple older systems into the new ERP database. Well-planned and filtered data migrated can help to keep the entire ERP implementation project on time and on budget. It’s also an opportunity to cull out outdated and redundant data lurking in the organization’s older systems. Contrary to, not prioritizing data migration can cause issues such as inaccurate or duplicate data and challenges to your go-live date.

Defining the method used for migrating your organization’s data and testing the process before transferring, is important to have a backup and recovery plan in place just in case data loss or errors occur.


The time to look at particular functionality and modules and make whatever fixes is needed. Start with the basic features of the system, like the migrated data and then testing with business users, to get an idea of what their day-to-day experience with the system proceeding to its full capability.

This step also involves creating, applying a detailed testing plan and validating whether the new software is working as expected and making sure that all company data is complete and correct as it was in the old system.


ERP implementation requires users to learn new system and processes, so it is important that Institutes provide training program to the staff on how to use the new system efficiently and understand ERP system’s features, functionality and workflow. Training should be comprehensive, user-friendly, and accessible to all stakeholders.

There are no shortcuts. The system can take time to learn, and to attend the relevant training, so keeping on practicing is important if the ERP is to perform as expected.


Once ERP software is implemented and live, the project team shifts focus to listening user feedback and making updates and adjustments. With time new functions will be added requiring more configuration.

In on-premise ERP system, installation of software and hardware upgrades will be required, whereas cloud-based system require no such updates and are generally seamless to the user.


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7 Steps to Implement Education ERP
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