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Adobe Photoshop

Adobe launch free Photoshop App in a bid for young users:

Posted by TechnoDG on 9 day(s) ago .

Adobe has announced that its Photoshop App will be launch for mobile phones for the first time with the introduction of a free version and a paid version at the lowest price yet. First marketed in 1990, that software for digital image processing has become synonymous with the art of leveling the lens on a photograph that is often twisted into a verb, but it has always had a price. The lowest amount for software sale by Adobe would be a 9.99 dollars per month subscription for the iPad platform.

As the Adobe officials had discussed the matter with Reuters, the free version of Photoshop touch has just been released for Apple iPhones, while the Andriod app is expected soon. This comes after Apple and Google freely recreated these Photoshop features, like color adjustments and object removals, on mobile platforms.

Purchases of Adobe products marketing VP for creative professional apps stated in interview that the company is finding younger users cameras on their primary editing device, if they require more tools than the phone's operating sysytem can offer.

In the free version of the Photoshop app, features will include splitting a photo into separate layers, masking parts off, and adding text. All features can be used to create cover shots for podcasts, streaming music playlists, or youtube videos. The next generation creators who does editing on their phones, for them this is the way to express personal creativity and it is actually made for them.



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Adobe launch free Photoshop App in a bid for young users.
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