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AI advancements will drive even more energy usage

AI advancements will drive even more energy usage

Posted by Techno Developers Group on 11 month(s) ago .

AI is a rapidly evolving field that has potential to revolutionize the energy sector. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), AI can help cut energy waste, lower costs, and accelerate the use of clean renewable energy sources in power grids globally. AI can assist in developing smart grids that dynamically adjust to changes in energy supply and demand. Using historical data and real-time information from a wide variety of sources. AI-based grid management systems can predict energy consumption and dynamically adjust power generation and distribution.

However, it is important to note that AI requires a significant amount of computational power, which can lead to increased energy consumption. In fact, Google reported that machine learning accounted for about 15 % of its total energy use over the prior three years.

While AI has the potential to drive energy usage, it can also help reduce energy waste and accelerate the transition to clean energy sources.

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