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At Ignite 2024 Microsoft will demonstrate AI agents capable of performing tasks on their own:

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Microsoft introduced Zero Day Quest, a new hacking competition at Ignite in Chicago that guarantees up to $4 million in bug compensation to security researchers. The program is largely concerned with cloud and AI platforms and technologies.During its Ignite conference in Chicago, Microsoft announced Zero Day Quest, a hacking competition with a reward pool of up to $4 million. Artificial intelligence platforms and cloud solutions continue to be in high demand.Microsoft debuted Zero Day Quest at Ignite in Chicago, a brand-new hacking competition with a bug payment of up to $4 million for security researchers. The program emphasizes AI, as well as cloud platforms and technology.

We acknowledge that security is truly a team sport. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, made this announcement during his keynote speech. "And that is the reason we wish to collaborate, and we are collaborating widely with the security community."When the news is made public, a challenge is issued, inviting participants to discover vulnerabilities in specific scenarios in exchange for a bounty. They could be able to attend next year's onsite hacking event in Redmond, Washington. The contest will be open until January 19, 2025, with entries beginning November 19, 2024.

Microsoft has also stated that it will treble bounty incentives for security researchers who find AI vulnerabilities and gain direct access to the company's AI developers and AI Red Team.In a blog post, Microsoft Security Response Center Vice President of Engineering Tom Gallagher stated, "Zero Day Quest will provide new opportunities for the security community to collaborate with Microsoft engineers and security researchers -- bringing together the best minds in security to share, learn, and build community as we work to keep everyone safe." 

Zero Day Quest will create new possibilities for "the security community to collaborate with Microsoft engineers and security researchers," Gallagher said, describing the event as the "largest of its kind."Microsoft's cybersecurity procedures have recently come under scrutiny after it was revealed that Chinese hackers entered the Microsoft Exchange Online email service and stole over 60,000 emails from US State Department accounts.



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