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Be safe from Dark Web

Be safe from Dark Web

Posted by TechnoDG on 6 month(s) ago .

The dark web is the section of internet and digital world which is generating the negative and illegal activities throughout that is not indexed by search engines and can only be accessed through specific software, configurations, or authorization. It is a subset of the deep web, which refers to all parts of the internet that are not indexed by search engines.

The dark web is even associated with all the illegal underworld activities such as drug trafficking, weapons sales, blackmail using morphed video in which they use your pictures and misuse it, scamming, threats, illegal apps, account hacking and child pornography. The most common way these notorious people use to access the dark web is through the Tor network, which provides anonymity by routing your traffic through several nodes. However, it is important to note that accessing the dark web can be dangerous and illegal in most countries worldwide. Governments of all over the world handling these activities with very strong hand, implementing policies and laws against such activities. But everchanging mode of these activities are not easy get full proof protections through Govt Policies and Law. Therefore, self-consciousness and awareness of users are much needed and the only way-out to save ourselves from the activities.

The dark web is full of potentially dangerous content, so it’s important to be careful while browsing. You should avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files. Keep your social media accounts protected. Make sure that your operating system, browser, and antivirus software are up-to-date to avoid vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

Several sites hosting illegal material have been discovered by government agencies and shut down in recent years, the dark web’s anonymity has also led to cybersecurity threats and various data breaches over the last few decades.

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