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Biometric - Attendance Management System

Biometric - Attendance Management System

Posted by TechnoDG on 1 year(s) ago .

Managing time and tracking attendance manually is a frustrating activity known only to a Business Owner, Manager or a Payroll Manager. Attendance Management Software records time and attendance details from fingerprint biometric devices or other time keeping devices to manage employee time and productivity efficiently. Over a period from the age of industrialization to today’s Internet world, time & attendance still remains a critical function & even concern for every HR. Thanks to this new technology- Attendance Management System, clients have achieved 100% peace of mind in terms of recording employee's attendance and time records.

The software we provide is a web application which can be accessed from anywhere just having internet and a smartphone, tab or laptop; the application is marketed with the name as “YES SIR”. It has different features to check all aspect of employees time management including – log in, log out, late coming, early going, leave management, overtime and more. Attendance Management System is a very advanced time management system built on latest technologies that can provide various analytical reports. In one word this is a 'must software' for any office or business to be on the path of growth.

For more information on IT Services, Web Applications & Support kindly call or WhatsApp at +91-9733733000 or you can visit



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