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Best Education ERP System for Schools, Colleges and Universities

Customized Education ERP Solutions

Best Online Student Management System and Institute Automation Systems

The education sector in India has witnessed an enormous expansion in terms of the number of schools, colleges, universities and private institutions in the past few decades. The policies and functions related to the educational functions like admission, teaching, timetable, fee management, examination and various other activities have become complex and keep on updating frequently. The need for centralized access to data has brought about a growth in the need for technology-enabled tools that delivers effective management solutions.

TechnoDG has been working extensively for more than 2 decades in the education sector to provide various custom developed automation systems for schools, colleges and universities across India. Our ERP systems are tailor made/customized according to the specific requirements using the most recent technologies that ensure it to be highly reliable, secured, optimized and yet user friendly which enhances the overall functioning and productivity. We offer complete ERP solution for educational organizations and have even successfully delivered independent modules based on the specific requirements.

Our unbeatable support system provides high reliability and confidence to empower every educational organization to bring out the best of their potential and eliminates manual errors, reduce expenses and centralize the database. Some of our educational software running effectively in various organizations.

Education ERP is a component wise combined software system to automate Institutes/Organizations. Software modules can be added on for fees collections, online admission, staff attendance, library management, student's promotion and online education support, ID card generation or online examination systems.

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Online Admission System

The system as the name clarifies is developed for Schools, Colleges and Universities to help automate the admission procedure. The system is an internet-based application which can be accessed from anytime anywhere basis. The system has three tier access models.

Advantages of Online Admission System

Special Features

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Online Examination System

The system has been based on latest technology to make the online examination system easily understandable and accessible over various display screens and smart devices. Online examination software can be set up for entrance examinations, university examinations, college semester examinations, aptitude tests, school examinations or for recruitment related examinations.

Options can have Text & Image to Select One (MCQs) OR option to enter / type descriptive answer in text area is also possible in the system. Auto Calculation of result on MCQs only & Teachers or evaluators have to provide marks for descriptive question answers for marking.

The system is easy to handle - easy to manage to create tests and examine the interested candidates. Online examination software is fast, robust, error free which requires less man power and can be scheduled beforehand. The system can be controlled and monitored by admin remotely and the system can take examination anywhere, anytime with ease. The interface supports multiple user access and role allocation for better management and load optimization.

Online learning management system is the ideal tool to create and administer online courses, host a virtual classroom, assign homework, and monitor student progress — all from your desktop computer, laptops, tablet or from a smart mobile phone. The system ideal for schools, colleges, universities, coaching centres or professional institutes.

In the system, both Videos and Audios can be used to teach. Teachers can go for Live classes in audio visual methodology integrated with available 3rd party video services. Instructors can schedule real-time webinars to teach students face-to-face.

Special Features:

Library management system

Library management system keeps a track on all the books that are issued, returned and added to the library and also oversee fee collection and fine issued to late return of the books. The library automation system enables creation of student's, teacher or staff profiles including issuing of Individual's Library Card. This automates the history of every member and also keeps track of materials issued and returned by the member. Taking the automation of your library further, our web application software has the feature of bar-code printing & reading facility thus enables convenient tracking. This exceedingly convenient and secure Library Management System is backed by our experienced support team for your library staff. The data on the system is stored in a simple format for easy access and understanding of the various reports associated with the library.

Highlighted Features

InventOS Stock Management System

InventOS is an online desktop application which runs on any computer and can be accessed from a single or multiple node as per your requirement. It is highly convenient, reliable and customizable with our seamless support.

Our software covers all the elements and operations of stock management which includes features of purchase order, standing purchase order and direct purchase order. Maintain all records of goods or stock received and issued through goods receipt note (GRN). Get an easy dashboard for sale and issue management, cost centre management and loss management, physical stock match, bar code recording, digitally maintained ledgers for sales and purchase, reliable data and statistics and many more...

The Advantages of InventOS

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Alumni Management System

Web based Online Alumni Management System helps institutes strategically build and maintain their alumni networks by facilitating engagements, building networks and wider communications.

This advance Alumni Management System is developed with future-ready technology that can be further developed in to an Android app. The level of convenience and usability gets to next level with user-friendly interface and quick access to all features. The Android apps for Alumni Management System comes preloaded with useful features and has the scope to be further modified as per requirements. Having own app on Android brings huge scope of participation from the alumni and provides an extra appeal for the users to join the platform from across the world.

Features of The Online Alumni System

Student Promotion

The Student Promotion System is an integral aspect of every school, college or universities automation systems. Student Promotion System comes with the Education ERP system to assist you in keeping track of information on various objectives. Student Promotion System enables school/college administration to monitor the promotion process and guarantee that all legitimate students are upgraded in their relevant classes and the system can assign fees, ID, library cards or canteen cards accordingly.

Fees Payment & Reports

Educational ERP system comes integrated with over a dozen banks and payment gateways. Schools / Colleges / Universities may collect fees online with instant receipts, manually input fee data and create charge receipts in real time. The system may provide information regarding fee collection and dues, allowing users to reconcile fee records and monitor fee defaulters. The system's fee setting options allows to determine collection cycles (monthly or quarterly), head names, amounts, and concessions (if any). 

Bus Fee Collection System

Bus fee collection enables parents to make payments through mobile apps or web-based system at any time. This process makes the transaction easy, inexpensive & quick. By utilizing online Bus Fare Collections, organizations may reap multiple benefits. The system facilitates instantaneous receipt production and fee payment acknowledgment.

Lesson Planner

Lesson Planning is a necessary procedure for outlining a planned strategy. For the timely delivery of lectures to the students, it is necessary to visualize the plan and schedule for the upcoming week/session.

Teachers can now develop lesson plans from the comfort of their own homes, making the process much more accessible and easier. Rather than dragging about a stack of papers to keep track of their own activities, they will benefit from using an Educational ERP System, which will make the work easier to use.

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Document Management System

Integrated Document Management Software is used to store, manage, and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information. This system supports template-based document creation and automatic content synchronisation. Additionally, the system may send and track files for expedited processing. The system produces a highly valued library of information assets to allow knowledge production and improve business decision making, hence increasing workgroup and organizations productivity through shared practices, improved client relations, and more informed decisions.

Student Attendance
(Marked by Teachers)

Attendance Management Software includes an ERP system and may capture time and attendance information from any biometric devices or other time keeping devices to effectively manage students' time and productivity. The Education ERP system is coupled with this feature. The software contains several functions to monitor all aspects of students' time management, including log in, log out, late arrival, and early departure, among others.

Staff & Teacher Management

The ERP system is capable of handling personnel data with precision. Administrators can log in to the software system to add, amend, and examine records for staffs and teachers. Admin can add, update, inspect, and delete records, as well as perform MIS on the data for further processing. Teachers and staff members can log in to add or change their own records. The Admin of the ERP software can define the rights of Teachers and Staff or the Users.

Staff & Teacher Attendance

It is the one in all attendance management software integrated with the ERP system. The software is capable to handle staff attendance data to manage their attendance along with strike day management, part time employee attendance, enable/disable of employee records, duty hour calculations, overtime management, leave calculations and many more things.

Staff & Teacher Payroll

This software aids in the management and accounting of employee payrolls. The software controls employee records and generates pay stubs with allowance and deduction calculations. The system is able to calculate P.F., E.S.I.C., Professional Tax, Income Tax, as well as other statutory calculations. The user is able to define and modify the rate of deductions. The Payroll System is a straightforward, user-friendly software designed specifically for Indian organizations, although it can be customized for overseas markets too.

Routine / Time-Table Management

Routine Master generates class schedules automatically for students and teachers. The system supports the synchronization/mapping of classes with Subjects and of subjects with Teachers. Additionally, this programme may modify the timetables of both permanent and part-time teachers. Through the system, subject assignments can be made on a time-and-day basis to different sections and classes at any point during the school year.

Exam Marks Entry & Results

This Reporting software enables schools/colleges/universities to view and manage reports and results & decreases the time lag between sending performance status and results to their parents and guardians on a regular basis. The entire process is meticulous and secure because only the administrator will be in charge of data management. Multiple report card formats are available and it is customizable as per organization's requirement. The software system enables analytical reports so that parents and teachers may evaluate the academic development of their children and guide them along their academic journey.

Visitors & Counselling Log

It is crucial to maintain track of visitors who have been counselled at the academic centres. This work is performed by a software system for visitors to the organizations and the system is straightforward, safe, and secure. Registering a new visitor is quick and simple, and it is also highly useful for noting their queries, which can be used for MIS-related business decisions.

School Events / News

The system is capable of doing simple tasks, such as alerting the user to an important event, displaying an icon and a little piece of text that the user can then click to open and log in to the school or college website, and displaying an icon and a tiny piece of text. Push Notifications, a built-in function of the School Management System, can be used to send both urgent or routine notifications to parents / guardians.

Various Scenarios

Feedback System

Academic institutes are revising and monitoring the student institute engagement ratio and inclusive policies have been made to strengthen it. Student feedback applications are being rolled out as a means to collect response from individual students. This is important as institutes can access their own performance and keep track of involvements. Student feedback collection is now made mandatory for the colleges by NAAC for accreditation and evaluation purpose. Education ERP comes bundled with the Feedback System accordingly.

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Education ERP Sign-up

Please feel free to drop in your query for the Education ERP solution and we shall get back to you accordingly.

Institute Name
Institute Category :
Contact Person
No. Of Streams
Total Student Count
Staff & Teachers Count
# Modules Under ERP System Opted (For One Year) **[Please Select Atleast 2 Modules]**



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