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Gemini AI image generator has been stopped temporarily by Google over inaccurate results

Gemini AI image generator has been stopped temporarily by Google over inaccurate results

Posted by TechnoDG on 10 month(s) ago .

Google has temporarily halted its Gemini Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot from creating images of people due to historical inaccuracies. After Google released the revamped Gemini in some region on February 8, users shared screenshots on social media revealing how the chatbot inaccurately depicted scenes with racially diverse characters in white-dominated settings. For instance, it portrayed Nazi-era-troops as individuals from various ethnic backgrounds.

In response to the controversy, Google issued a statement acknowledging the inaccuracies and pledged to improve the depictions. The company temporarily paused the image generation of people and plans to release an improved version soon.

Gemini, formerly known as the Bard chatbot, is part of the Google’s growing field of artificial intelligence. It utilizes natural language processing and image recognition to allow users to generate high-quality images with text prompts.

While Gemini’s AI image generation offers a wide range of people, it aims to address the concerns raised by users and provide more accurate historical depictions in the future.

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