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How Virtualization is changing Automation

How Virtualization is changing Automation

Posted by TechnoDG on 7 month(s) ago .

Virtualization is revolutionizing the field of automation by enabling the creation of virtual machines that reduce computing resources on equipment and manufacturing systems. It allows multiple operating systems and applications to run on the same machine and hardware simultaneously, thereby increasing hardware utilization and flexibility. This technique is widely used by cloud providers to reduce costs, hardware requirements, and energy consumption.

Virtualization has brought significant changes to automation by making it easier to automate processes programmatically. In a highly virtualized data center, practically everything is software-defined, enabling easy automation of installation, configuration, scaling, troubleshooting, and other processes. This has led to improved efficiency and reduced manual intervention in automation systems.

The concept of virtualization has found its way into industrial automation as well. It enables the development and deployment of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications by enabling scale.  Virtual machines (VMs) are frequently used in process automation applications to streamline management in cloud data centers. By running multiple virtual machines on a single server, process control systems can be efficiently managed while isolating them from each other and the underlying hardware.

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