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Dear Clients, This is for your kind information that the following server has been scheduled for a downtime for an important upgrade. Server Name : Lion Server Type : Linux Server Maintenance Window : 30 - 60 Minutes Scheduled Time : Sep...
Linux Web Hosting
Dear Clients, As you may be already aware that the US Dollar value against the Indian Rupee has been on the rise since past few months and the domain prices are dependent on the USD value. Due to this sustained increase in the value of the USD against...
Domain Name Services
Dear Clients, Please be informed that a downtime has been scheduled for Security Patches installation on Database Server of Atom Online Payment Gateway from 14th June 2018, IST 00:30 Hours to 15th June 2018, IST 01:30 Hours. No transactions will...
General Updates
Dear Clients, Greetings from TechnoDG... We have always accorded highest priority to security. In line with this, there are a couple of updates related to the Online Payment Gateways (PG) we would like to share and ensure that you are ready for...
General Update
Dear Clients, Greetings from TechnoDG... This announcement is to inform you about the Web Based SMS’s operator prices which are getting increased from May 15th 2018. As you may know, there has been operator consolidation with several...
General Updates
Dear Clients, This is to inform you that tomorrow on 1st May 2018 (May Day) our office shall remain CLOSED. All the development, support, updates/enquiries and other correspondences will be be taken care off from 2nd May 2018 (Wednesday) onwards. Only...
General Updates
Dear Clients, Due to some performance issues with the below mentioned server, the data center team had to execute some immediate fixes and Kernel upgrades which needs the server to be rebooted. Please find the details below: Servers Name : Server...
Linux Web Hosting
Dear Clients,  We are experiencing some issues with the Primary Hard Disk (HDD) and the RAID drives of our Linux server ( Hence, it has been decided to migrate the websites & services hosted on the server to a new Linux...
Linux Web Hosting
Dear Sir/Madam,   We are seeing an issue with the primary hard drive of our Linux server which started giving some file system errors and is beyond recovery hence we have scheduled its migration to new Server on upcoming Saturday...
Linux Web Hosting
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Mobile: (+91) 9 733 733 000
Whatsapp: (+91) 99 32 00 88 88

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