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Notice Board

Important DLT notification in line with Regulations - A2P traffic submission requirement effective 19th Nov'2020

Dear Clients,

This is to share with you that the telecom industry is taking another major step towards the implementation of the TCCCPR 2018 in order to curb spam and unsolicited commercial communication.

In view of the above, all Telecom Service Providers would need you to mandatorily provide your registered PE ID in all your traffic submissions, going forward. This will help block any messages from being sent from your registered headers, by unauthorised senders, which may cause damage or disrepute to your business or your customers.

The cut-off date for this change is Thursday, 19th November' 2020. Any traffic submitted after 23:59 hours on Wednesday, 18th November' 2020 has to mandatorily carry your PE ID, failing which it will not be allowed delivery.

You are, therefore,

  1. requested to complete the testing and shifting of all your traffic to our DLT connectivity. Existing binds which are directly connected to the SMSC shall be deactivated from the said date/time.
  2. notified that no traffic will be allowed without the registered PE ID of the Principal Entity, so you will have to mandatorily provide the same in all your traffic submissions.

We look forward to your co-operation in this regard so as to avoid any disruption of your important communication to all your customers and associates.

We have already associated the PE IDs with the Sender Headers of the clients who have signed-up and approved by the Telecom Service Providers. In case, you find any issue with the SMS delivery then please intimate us immediately.

If you have not yet registered under DLT then please register immediately and intimate us. The DLT registration details and links are available at:

General Updates
Wednesday, 18th November 2020
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