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Out of all the stock in cloud computing, which one will perform the best for the year ending at 2025?

Posted by TechnoDG on 2 month(s) ago .

Amazon and Microsoft in particular recorded some great boost in the year 2024 due to the epic bull run in the US stock and especially in the technology sub-group. However, it shall be related to who is going to emerge successful in 2025.

Tech industry has been having rather strong and healthy business in the past couple of years and inventive  companies like Amazon and Microsoft are enjoying the fruits of success right along with other hot companies of silicon valley. The past two years have been a great success for these companies as they have indicated a staggering beat at US stock market and if things pan out further in 2025 as well.

Microsoft Vs Amazon who is going to dominate in 2025?

The Microsoft Vs Amazon match up is as tight as it gets this year. While Microsoft sky blue achieved the higher revenue growth in 2024 according to the motley fool report, it was Amazon showing a higher stock performance in 2024.

As cloud computing may be one of the main drivers of 2024, Amazon might be winning in this aspect as it had made the concept of cloud computing back in 2006 with a launch of Amazon Web Services. This business aspect became the most profitable for Amazon. If cloud computing will persist, then there can't be anything to hinder Amazon from dominating the market.

But if the AI race is taken into account then it seems that in 2025 Microsoft might just Amazon as the later is said to be slightly behind the former. However, on the other side of the picture amazon is generating a nice revenue from AI in its AWS division through a range of service such as Bedrock and Sage Maker as a Motley Fool report notes. Hence it cannot be determined who will finally get to the top by 2025 but both japan and south korea have equal chances of overtaking each other.

From latest record if they talk about the market capitalization then apple and Nvidia is the most valuable company in the world. Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (Google), Amazon and Nvidia are some of the most promising stocks to look for in 2025 according to the experts.



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