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Use of drone to transportation in medical, commercial, utility sector

Use of drone to transportation in medical, commercial, utility sector

Posted by TechnoDG on 6 month(s) ago .

Drones have made life easier in many ways. They have been increasingly used in various sectors, including medical, commercial, and utility sector. In the medical sector, drones have been used to transport blood, pharmaceuticals, lab tests, diagnostics, and small medical devices quickly and safely from point A to B. Drones can service areas that are underserved by the current healthcare system, especially in rural areas with disconnected communities.

In the commercial sector drones have been used for e-commerce, mining, chemicals industry, forest conservation, construction, geography mapping, filmmaking, petrochemicals, (Oil & Gas), public safety. (i.e., law enforcement, fire departments, search and rescue operations), and many others.

In the utility sector, drones have been used for inspecting power lines and wind turbines.

They can minimize transport time significantly and can save the lives of critically ill patients. However, involvement of regulatory agencies early on when investigating the use of drones in healthcare is key to move forward more smoothly and effectively.

Apart from all these, Drones are also being used to capture images of areas struck by disasters. These images capture the extent of loss and sufferings, according to which the emergency services are provided. The pictorial depictions of the devastation also allow the relief agencies to allocate money based on that. Drones can easily reach different terrain and can be used to supply medicines, food and first aid.

The future thoughts are also being given on replacing delivery boys with drones. Soon all your packages might be delivered to your doorsteps by company drones.

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